A downloadable game for Windows

Supports Windows 95, 98, XP, 7, 8, 10 and 11.

This is our first single player game test of a survival game with better buildings and items and npcs in blitz3d. Its not finished at all its just a prototype but we have working hunger thirst and hp systems the npcs will shoot at you and you can shoot back building works too. Map is randomly generated based on numeric seed with the breakable blocks, food, water and med kits, new added are random buildings with loot in them. Main things here are the survival systems and the npcs and the map. There will be lot of updates. It uses the blitz3d game engine so it can run on Windows 95/98 up to windows 11. Expect lot of bugs.

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WSAD movement

B for building menu where arrow keys move block scroll wheel moves block up down and left click places block, keys 1 2 3 4 5 changes blocks.

Left click also does shoot when not in building menu Alt does shoot too.

Esc to exit game.


the wasteland alpha 2.2.zip 609 kB
wolf example ver2.2.zip 1 MB

Install instructions

just extract and run

Development log

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